D.Phil. (Univ. of Oxford), M. E.
Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning
Electrical Engineering Department, Z H College of Engg & Tech., AMU
Yusuf Uzzaman Khan is the Chairman (Head) and Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering. He was the Coordinator, Centre of Biomedical Engineering from Jun 2018- Jul 2024.
He received his D.Phil. from University of Oxford, UK in Trinity term 1997 as a Felix Scholar and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from University of Roorkee in 1993. During 1994-1997 he was awarded Felix Scholarship to study at University of Oxford. He was awarded with the University medal for securing First position in Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering.
To further explore the research work done during his post-doctoral work, he was a visiting scientist to Montreal Neurological Institute in the summer of 2000 and 2001. From 1999 till end of 2000 he was Post-Doctoral Fellow at Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada.
He is an avid researcher. His research interests lie in the area of signal processing, control systems, biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, neural networks and wavelets. He has collaborated actively with researchers in disciplines of biomedical engineering, particularly on problems related to biomedical signals.
He is a senior member of IEEE, Fellow of IETE, Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Life Member of IES.
He has been awarded the Chartered Management Institute Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership, UK, under AICTE-UKIERI Technical Education Leadership Development Program, 2020-21.
- Key Publications
Nidal Rafi, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, "Non-linear Controller Design for Mechatronic Aeropendulum", International Journal of Dynamics and Control, vol. 11, 1662-1670,2023
Nidal Rafi, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, “A Novel Wavelet Approach for Multiclass EEG Signal Classification in Automated Diagnosis of Epilepsy”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, 2022
- Yash Vardhan Varshney, Garima Chandel, Prashant Upadhyaya, Omar Farooq, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, “Early Onset/Offset Detection of Epileptic Seizure using M-band Wavelet Decomposition”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 40., No.3, pp205-223, 2022
- A. T. Khan, Y.
U. Khan, “Time domain based seizure onset analysis of brain signatures in
pediatric EEG”, Int. Journal of Information Technology, vol. 13, No. 2, 453-458, 2021
Kashif A Khan, Muhammad Shanir P. P., Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, “A hybrid local binary pattern and Wavelets based approach for EEG classification for diagnosing epilepsy”, Expert Systems With Applications Vol. 140, Feb 2020.
S Rukhsar, Y U Khan, O. Farooq, M. Sarfraz, A. T. Khan, “Patient-Specific Epileptic Seizure Prediction in Long-term Scalp EEG Signal Using Multivariate Statistical Process Control”, Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, Vol. 40, Issue 6, p320 – 331, Dec 2019.
G. Chandel, P. Upadhyaya, O. Farooq, Y U Khan, “Detection of Seizure event and its onset/offset using Orthonormal Triadic Wavelet Based Features”, IRBM - Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering, Vol. 40, issue 2, p 103-112, March 2019.
M Shanir P P, K A Khan, Y. U. Khan, O Farooq, H Adeli, “Automatic seizure detection based on morphological features using one dimensional local binary pattern on long term EEG”, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, Vol. 49, issue 5, p351-362, Sep 2018.
Muhammed Shanir P P, Sadaf Iqbal, Yusuf U. Khan, Omar Farooq, "Feature Extraction using Pythagorean Means for Classification of Epileptic EEG Signals", International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 28, issue 3,p243-260, 2018.
Ayesha Tooba Khan, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, “Dual tree complex wavelet transform based analysis of epileptiform discharges”, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Singapore, vol. 10, issue 4, p543-550, April 2018.
Muhammed Shanir P P, Kashif Ahmad Khan, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, Hojjat Adeli, “Automatic seizure detection based on morphological features using one dimensional local binary pattern on long term EEG”, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, Vol. 49, issue 5, p351-362, 2018.
Garima Chandel, Mohammad Shanir P.P., Omar Farooq, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, “A simplified method for classification of epileptic EEG Signals”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp 60-76, 2017.
Sadaf Iqbal, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, “EEG analysis of Imagined Speech”, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), Vol. 3, No. 2, p32-44, Apr 2016.
Nidal Rafiuddin, Md. Tabrez, Yusuf. Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, “Wavelet packet-based classification of brain States during English and mother tongue script writing”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 4, p325-337, 2016.
Tazeem Fatima, Omar Farooq, Yusuf U Khan, Manjari Tripathi, Priyanka Sharma, “Automatic detection of non-convulsive seizures: A reduced complexity approach”, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 28, Issue 4, p407-415, Oct. 2016.
Priyanka Sharma, Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Omar Farooq, Manjari Tripathi, and Hojjat Adeli, " A Wavelet-Statistical Features Approach for Nonconvulsive Seizure Detection", Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, vol. 45, no. 4, p274-284, Oct 2014
M. Bedeeuzzaman, Thasneem Fathima, Yusuf U Khan, Omar Farooq, “Seizure prediction using statistical dispersion measures of intracranial EEG”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 10, pp 338-341, March 2014.
Farid Ghani, Hameedah Sultan, Dilnashin Anwar, Omar Farooq, Yusuf Uzzama Khan, "Classification of Wrist Movements using EEG signals" Journal of Next Generation Information Technology (JNIT), Volume 4, Number 8, pp. 29-39, October 2013.
M. Bedeeuzzaman, Thasneem Fathima, Yusuf U Khan, Omar Farooq, “Mean Absolute Deviation and Wavelet Entropy for Seizure Prediction”, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 238-243, Sep 2012
Yusuf U Khan, F. Sepulveda, ‘EEG single-trial classification of different motor imagery tasks using measures of dispersion and power in frequency bands’, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 8, No. 4, pp343-356, 2012.
Yusuf U. Khan, F. Sepulveda, Wrist Movement Discrimination in Single-Trial EEG for Brain Computer Interface using band powers, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 6, No. 3, pp272-285, 2011.
Maeike Zijlmans, Julia Jacobs, Yusuf U. Kahn, Rina Zelmann, Francois Dubeau, Jean Gotman, Ictal and interictal high frequency oscillations in patients with focal epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 122, issue 4, pp664 – 671, April 2011.
Y. U. Khan, F. Sepulveda, Brain Computer Interface for single-trial EEG classification for wrist movement imagery using spatial filtering in the Gamma band, Journal of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Signal Processing, Vol. 4, Issue 5, Oct 2010, pp 510 – 517.
Cota Navin Gupta, Yusuf U. Khan, Ramaswamy Palaniappan and Francisco Sepulvada, Wavelet Framework for Improved Target Detection in Oddball Paradigms Using P300 and Gamma Band Analysis, International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences (IJBSCHS 2009-14-2-9), Japan, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp 61-67, 2009
Y. U. Khan and J Gotman, Wavelet based automatic seizure detection in intracerebral electroencephalogram, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 114, pp. 899 – 908, 2003.
- L. Tarassenko, Y. U. Khan, and M.R.G. Holt, Identification of inter-ictal spikes in the EEG using neural network analysis, IEE Proceedings –Science, Measurement & Technology, vol. 145 No. 6, pp. 270-278, 1998.