
The Aligarh Journal of Statistics


The Aligarh Journal of Statistics is published annually by the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

The purpose of this Journal is to contribute to the development of all branches of theoretical and applied statistics including Econometrics, Mathematical Programming and Operations Research. AJS papers are referred and abstracted/reviewed in Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts, Mathematical Review and Current Index to Statistics (CIS). It has been placed in the list of core Journals by CIS, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) and University Grants Commission (UGC- Ref. No. 3260).

Submission of Paper: The manuscript may be submitted to the Chief Editor, Aligarh Journal of Statistics. The manuscript should be typed on A4 size paper in double space with the margins at the top, side and bottom of the pages. Formulae should be numbered consecutively section wise with numbers in parenthesis appearing on the right hand side such as (3.2) for the expression number (2) in the section 3. Summary should be given at the top. Reference to the authors in the text should be as: Renyi (1953): Khatri et al. (1986), Rao (1962s) etc. and should be listed alphabetically according to the pattern followed in this issue. The name of the journal should be abbreviated as given in the Mathematical Review.

The manuscript may also be submitted through an e-mail attached in the above format as PDF and word file. On being accepted for publication, the author(s) will be required to submit the manuscript again as per AJS template using Microsoft Word (equation ver. 3.0) on CD along with one hard copy of the paper or else with an email attached. More details may be accessed from the AJS webpage: https://amu.ac.in//journals/ajstats/


Besides being offered on exchange basis, the Aligarh Journal of Statistics is also open to subscription on the following rates.


India and SAARC countries:    Rs. 1000.00 per volume

Abroad                                  :             US $100 per volume

The bank draft should be drawn in favour of the Finance Officer (for the Aligarh Journal of Statistics), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.


The queries and communications should be addressed to

The Chief Editor

The Aligarh Journal of Statistics

Department of Statistics and Operations Research

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India.

Telephone +91-571-2701251, 2700920-23 Ext.(1800)

E-mail:  editor_ajs@rediffmail.com, editor.ajs@amu.ac.in