Department of Niswan wa Qabalat
• To provide highest possible standards of physical, mental, reproductive health and wellbeing to both mother and child.
To develop the department as a centre of
excellence in terms of AYUSH for holistic health and research through teaching
and training, best clinical practice and quality research papers based on scientific
• To achieve quality education in theory as well as in clinical practice through integrating classical and contemporary medical knowledge and imparting sound knowledge of classical Unani literature and concepts.
To improve women and child health and wellbeing by
giving services through OPD, IPD, health camps, awareness programmes etc.
To achieve quality research and scientific
validation of drugs and regimental modalities of Unani through clinical trials,
projects, innovation, creativity and exemplary pedagogical practices.
The Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal is a well established UGC approved Post Graduate Department started its functioning in the year 2000 with Prof. Qamar Akhtar Kazmi as its founder chairperson. It is bifurcated from its parent department i.e Moalijat. The department started with just a chamber and an office area in the hospital premises with dedication and sheer hard work of the responsible chairperson’s the department is now a three storey building. The department acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the incumbent chairpersons till date. At present there are two Professors, and four Assistant Professors along with two technical staff posted in the PG lab of the department, the faculty is supported by non teaching staff also for smooth functioning of the department. The department with its limited resources striving hard for teaching and training of the students and providing proper medical care by operating two OPDs namely the Qabalat wa Niswan OPD and Atfal OPD on daily basis, and trying its level best to achieve the goals expected by the government of India. The department is working hard to develop the research, academic and patient care environment by providing high quality teaching, training and best of the patient care community services in an ethical manner. The department focuses on healthcare services for the socially and economically weaker section at free of cost. The department is committed for institutional normal delivery as far as possible. At present the department has allotted 40 beds and a well equipped labor room with the facility of resuscitation and incubation attached to it with the well trained and dedicated staff for its smooth functioning. The department has all the facilities including the ICT facility for the teaching and training, the department also has a well established PG laboratory with trained dedicated staff carrying out all the basic investigations for the topics allotted to the post graduate students as well as also trained in performing and interpreting CTG, Colposcopy, Cupping Therapy, Pap smear test and IUCD insertion etc.
The department is actively involved in Research and academic work by continuously Organizing Seminars/Symposium Continuing Medical Education, Workshop, Reorientation Training Program for teachers, etc. in the near future the department is going to establish two simulation labs for the training of the students on manikin. The Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal strives to be a leader in teaching & training students and Health care professionals competent to provide medical care of standard level and is to be recognized as premier institute of research & higher education in Unani system of Medicine globally, where it can contribute significantly to the development of Unani system as well as of the Nation.
Our motto is before you say I can’t, do your level best and give your level best.
Future Plan of the Department
• To Establish centre of excellence in the field of Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraz e Niswan by promoting selective and scientific research protocols
• Enhancement of PG seats and to start diploma / certificate course in Qabalat wa Amraz e Niswan
• To start separate Ante Natal Clinic
• To develop facilities for the training of different regimen for the students, faculty members and clinicians in the field of Qabalat wa Amraz- e-Niswan
• To generate protocols for various diseases of Niswan wa Atfal
• To establish and develop separate department of Ilmul Atfal along with PG Programme and Simulation Training Lab for Neonatal and Pediatric care
• To start routine Immunization Programme and Malnutrition Unit