
Games Committee

Powers and Duties

The Secretary of the University Games Committee shall be appointed from, amongst the Presidents of the University Games Clubs by the Vice-Chancellor. The Secretary shall be Executive Officer of the University Games Committee.

The Secretary shall: -

  • Control the office and servants of the University Games Committee

  • Conduct correspondence on behalf of the University Games Committee

  • Issue notices of meeting

  • Keep minutes of the proceedings of meetings

  • Maintain accounts

  • Prepare the annual balances sheet and present it to the University Games Committee at its budget meeting

  • Perform such other duties as the University Games Committee or its Chairman may assign.

The President

  • The administration of each University Games Committee shall be vested in its President, who will be appointed from amongst the members of the university teaching staff by the Vice-Chancellor.

  • In the temporary absence of the President of a club the President shall arrange with the President of another club to look after his work.

  • The President of each club shall maintain a register of color holder and members of the team (In the case of tennis, names of 3 pairs and 2 singles players, and the names of the members of the Riding Squad of the Riding Club)

  • The President of every University club shall frame a budget for the session by 15th August to be placed before the budget meeting of the University Games Committee for its sanction.

  • The President of a club shall be allowed imprest money up to * Rs: 50 for petty expenses.

  •  Material required for a club shall be purchased by the President of the club concerned.

Note:  * Revised from time to time as per financial rules of the university.