Applicable Analysis
B1 Crown Apartments, Kabir Colony, Anoop Shahr Road, Aligarh 202001
Professor Subuhi Khan started her teaching career at AMU in October 1995. She completed her early education in Kanpur and obtained High School Certificate from U.P. Board. She had obtained Degrees of B.Sc. (Hons.) (1985), M.Sc. (1987), M.Phil. (1990) and Ph.D. (1993) in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). She maintained First class throughout her educational career and was awarded the University Medal and Sir Ziauddin Medal for securing First Rank in B.Sc. and M.Sc., respectively. She is teaching graduate and post-graduate level courses and enjoys a good reputation among the students. She is actively engaged in research activities. Her research interest includes Applicable Analysis, Special Functions and its allied topics. She has published 164 research papers in international journals of repute like Journal of Physics A, Reports on Mathematical Physics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Mathematics and Computer Modeling, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications etc. She has supervised 10 M.Phil. and 13 Ph.D. students. She has guided 2 Post Doctoral Fellows also. She is the First Indian Lady Mathematician to receive the Research Fellowship of Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (ENEA, Italy) and had worked with Prof. (Dr.) Giuseppe Dattoli (Physicist), Research Director, ENEA-Frascati Research Center, Rome.
She has successfully completed Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP), under the Ministry of Human Resource and Development. in 2019. She has participated in Nuturing Future Leadership Program, under the aegis of MMTTP, Ministry of Education, in 2024. She is the recipient of the Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR, India (1990-92), Mathematics Research Fellowship, ICTP, Italy (2002), Best Research Paper Presentation Prize (2001) of the Indian Mathematical Society, Best Research Paper Presentation Prize (2004) of the Bharata Ganita Parisad and Best Research Publication Prize (2003) of the Society for Special Functions and their Applications. She has received Honor of Recognition (2014) for Achievements and Contributions as a Successful Professional by the International Society of Muslim Women in Science (ISMWS). She has received the Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award For the outstanding research publications and training and inspiring students to advance research by the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University in 2016.
She is the Council Member of the Society for Special Functions and their Applications from 2007 and the Member of some other Academic Societies. She is the Reviewer of various International Journals. She has visited Institutions of Italy, Hong Kong, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Kingdom and USA for academic purposes. She has participated and presented her research work in about 79 Conferences/Workshops. She has completed a Major Research Project sponsored by UGC India.
She is also engaged in University Administration. She has served the University in the capacity of the Provost of S.N. Hall and Begum Sultan Jahan Hall. Presently, she has served the University in the capacity of the Founder Provost of Begum Azeezun Nisa Hall from August 25, 2018 to October 18, 2023. She remained the Member of the University Court from 16.12.2016 to 13.06.2017 and from 11.08.2020 to 10.08.2023.
- Research Papers Publications 2021 Download PDF
- Research Paper Publications 2020
Subuhi Khan, Shahid Ahmad Wani and Mumtaz Riyasat, Study of generalized Legendre-Appell polynomials via factional operators, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11(2), 144-156 (2020).[ISSN 2076-2585; SCI-E, Turkic World Mathematical Society, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Mumtaz Riyasat, Tabinda Nahid andSubuhi Khan, q-Tricomi functions and quantum algebra representations, Georgian Mathematical Journal (2020)[ISSN 1572-9176; SCI-E, De Gruyter, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.500]
Shahid Ahmad Wani and Subuhi Khan, Certain properties and applications of the 2D Sheffer and related polynomials, Boletin de la Sociedad Mathematica Mexicana, 26(2020). (DOI 10.1007/s40590-020-00280-5).[ISSN 1405-213X; E-SCI, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal].
H.M. Srivastava, Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan, Serkan Araci and Mehmet Acikgoz, A new approach to Legendre-Truncated-exponential based Sheffer Sequences via Riordan arrays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 369(2020), 124683.[ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 3.092]
Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, Certain identities involving Sheffer-Appellpolynomials Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 44(2) (2020), 245-254.[ISSN 0129-2021; Yunnan University, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Shahid Ahmad Wani, Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Gould-Hopper based Frobenius-Genocchi polynomials and their generalized form, Afrika Mathematika,31 (7-8) (2020), 1397-1408. ([ISSN 1012-9405;E-SCI, African Mathematical Union and Springer-Nature, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2019
Monairah Al-Ansari, Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and K.R. Kazmi, Finding determinant forms of certain hybrid Sheffer sequences, Mathematics, (2019). (doi10.3390/math7111105).[ISSN2227-7390; SCI-E,MDPI, Refereed & Indexed Journal, Impact Factor: 1.747]
Subuhi Khan andMahvish Ali, A linear algebra approach to the hybrid Sheffer-Appell polynomials, Mathematical Sciences, 13(2)(2019) 153-164.[ISSN 2251-7456; SCI-E, Springer, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.945]
Subuhi Khan,Mahvish Aliand Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, 2D-Sheffer-Mittag-Leffler polynomials: Properties and examples, Journal of Classical Analysis, 15(2) (2019), 99–117.[ISSN 1848-5979; Ele-Math, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, A linear algebra approach to the hybrid Sheffer-Appell polynomials, Mathematical Sciences, 13(2)(2019) 153-164. [ISSN 2251-7456; SCI-E, Springer, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.945]
Subuhi Khan,Mahvish Aliand Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, 2D-Sheffer-Mittag-Leffler polynomials: Properties and examples, Journal of Classical Analysis, 15(2) (2019), 99–117.[ISSN 1848-5979; Ele-Math, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Shakir Shah, Hermite-based hybrid polynomials and some related properties,Bollettinodell’UnioneMatematicaItaliana(2019) ([ISSN 1972-6724; E-SCI;Springer Nature,SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, Fractional calculus and generalized forms of special polynomials associated with Appellsequences, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Published Online: 2019-05-10([ISSN 1572-9176; SCIE, De Gruyter, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.482]
Mahvish Ali, Tabinda Nahid and Subuhi Khan, Some results on hybrid relatives of the Sheffer polynomials via operational rules, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 20(2) (2019), 729-743.[ISSN 1787-2405; SCOPUS, University of Miskolc, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.585]
Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Shakir Shah, Product of Sheffer sequences: Properties and examples, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 12(2) (2019), 101-118.
Shahid Ahmad Wani, Subuhi Khan and Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, Differential and integral equations for the Laguerre-Gould-Hopper based Appell and related polynomials,Boletin de la Sociedad Mathematica Mexicana, (Published May 2019).
H.M. Srivastava, Subuhi Khan, SerkanAraci, Mehmet Acikgoz and Mumtaz Riyasat, [ISSN 2076-2585; SCI-E, Springer, University of Miskolc, Refereed & IndexedJournal; Impact Factor: 0.357]
Subuhi Khan and Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, Certain discrete Bessel convolutions of the Appellpolynomials, Miskolc Mathematical Notes,20 (1) (2019), 271–279. (DOI: 10.18514/MMN.2019.2538).
Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Numerical computation of zeros of certain hybrid q-special sequences. Procedia Computer Science 152 (2019),166-171, International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications- PerCAA2019. 10.1016/j.procs.2019.05.039.[ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Subuhi Khan, Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo andMahvish Ali, Recurrence relations and differential equations of the Hermite-Sheffer and related hybrid polynomial sequences, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions A; Science, 43(4) (2019) 1607-1618. [ISSN 1028-6276; SCI-E, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; ImpactFactor: 0.692]
Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Quantum algebra Eq(2) and 2D q-Bessel functions, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 83(2) (2019), 191-206.ISSN 0034-4877; SCI-E, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed& Indexed Journal, Impact Factor: 0.989]
Mahvish Ali and Subuhi Khan, Extended forms of certain hybrid special polynomials related to Appellsequences, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 42(5) (2019) 2879-2896.[ISSN 0126-6705; SCI-E, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.867]
Mahvish Ali and Subuhi Khan, Finding results for certain relatives of theAppellpolynomials, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 56(1) (2019), 151-167.[ISSN 1015-8634;SCI-E, Korean Mathematical Society,SCOPUS, Refereed &Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.363]
Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, Lie algebra K5 and 3-variable Laguerre-Hermite polynomials, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas (RACSAM) 113(2) (2019) 831-843.[ISSN 1579-1505; SCI-E, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.028]
Subuhi Khan and TabindaNahid, A unified family of generalized q-Hermite Apostol type polynomials and applications Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences 2(1) (2019), 1-8.[ISSN 2651-4001, EmrahEvren KARA,Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Shahid Ahmad Wani and Subuhi Khan, Properties and applications of the Gould-Hopper-Frobenius-Euler polynomials, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 12(1) (2019), 93-104.[ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, De Gruyter, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Subuhi Khan and TabindaNahid, Finding non-linear differentialequations and certain identities for the Bernoulli-Euler and Bernoulli-Genocchinumbers, SN Applied Sciences(2019) 1:217. (
Mahvish Ali, Subuhi Khan and Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, Finding hybrid relatives of the Bessel polynomials, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 12(3) (2019) 141-158.[ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, Project Euclid Publishers, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Tabinda Nahid and Subuhi Khan, Connection and duplication formulas for the Boas-Buck Appellpolynomials,Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 12(3) (2019), 131-139.[ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, De Gruyter, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
Serkan Araci, Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, Some unified formulas involving generalized-Apostol-type-Gould-Hopper polynomials and multiple power sums, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 19(2), 2019, 97-115.[ISSN 2008-949X; International Scientific Research Publications, E-SCI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal].
- Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Nazim I. Mahmudov, A numerical computation of zeros and finding determinant forms for some new families of q-special polynomials, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2) (2019), 54-80. [ISSN 2218-6816; E-SCI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- polynomials and their applications, Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 25(3) (2019) 509-528. ( [ISSN 1405-213X; E-SCI, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan, Tabinda Nahid and Mumtaz Riyasat, Partial derivative formulas and identities involving 2-variable Simsek polynomials, Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana. ( [ISSN 1405-213X, E-SCI, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal].
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- Mumtaz Riyasat and Subuhi Khan, A determinant approach to q-Bessel polynomials and applications, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas (RACSAM) (2018). ( 018-0568-y) [ISSN 1578-7303; SCI-E, Springer, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.406]
- Serkan Araci, Mumtaz Riyasat, Shahid Ahmad Wani and Subuhi Khan , A new class of Hermite-Apostol type Frobenius-Euler polynomials and its applications, Symmetry10(1) (2018) 1-16. [ISSN 2073-8994; SCI-E, MDPI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.645]
- Mumtaz Riyasat, Deepali Saxena and Subuhi Khan, A note on Laguerre convolution of Mittag-Leffler polynomials, Applications and Applied Mathematics, 13(2) (2018) 1-9. [ISSN 1932-9466; E-SCI, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Determinants forms, difference equations and zeros of the q-Hermite Appell polynomials, Mathematics 6(11) (2018), 1-16. [ISSN 2227- 7390; SCI-E, MDPI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.105]
- Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Connection problems and matrix representations for certain hybrid polynomials, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 11 (3) (2018), 81-93. [ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, De Gruyter, Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Refereed & Indexed Journal].
- Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, A note on the harmonic oscillator group, quasimonomiality and endomorphisms of the vector spaces, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 81(2) (2018), 147-155. [ISSN 0034-4877; SCI-E, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.989]
- Subuhi Khan, Mahvish Ali and Shakeel Ahmad Naikoo, Finding discrete Bessel and Tricomi convolutions of certain special polynomials, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 81 (3) (2018), 385-397. [ISSN 0034-4877; SCI-E, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.989]
- Subuhi Khan, Mehmet Acikgoz, Mahvish Ali, Shahid Ahmad Wani and Asif Khan, Approximation by operators including the hybrid special polynomials, Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, 17(6) (2018), 479-502. [ISSN 0974-6803; E-SCI, Mili Publications, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- H.M. Srivastava, Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, q-Difference equations for the 2- iterated q-Appell and mixed type q-Appell polynomials, Arabian Journal of Mathematics, ( [ISSN 2193-5343; E-SCI, Springer Open, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Mumtaz Riyasat and Subuhi Khan, Some results on q-Hermite based hybrid polynomials, Glasnik Matematicki, 53(73) (2018) 9-31. [ISSN 0017-095X; SCI-E, Hrvatsko Matematiko Drutvo, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.554]
- Mumtaz Riyasat, Shahid Ahmad Wani and Subuhi Khan, Differential and integral equations associated with some hybrid families of Legendre polynomials, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 11 (1) (2018) 127-139. [ISSN 1875-158X; Project Euclid, E-SCI, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, A note on differential and integral equations for the Legendre-Hermite polynomials, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 7(4) (2018), 514-520. [ISSN (P) 2319-8346; Refereed & UGC Listed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, Extended Laguerre-Appell polynomials via fractional operators and their determinant forms, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 42 (2018) 1686 – 1697. [ISSN 1300-0098; SCI-E, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey- TUBITAK, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.614]
- Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, Properties and applications of Hermite matrix exponential polynomials, Advances in Intelligent Systems & Computing, Vol. 712, (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics). Editors: Vikrant Bhateja et al. Volume 712 (2018), 619-626, ( [ISSN 2194-5357 & ISBN 978-981-10-8227-6; Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. SCOPUS].
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, A note on q-Bernoulli-Euler polynomials, Advances in Intelligence System and Computing, 652 (2018), 91-98. (DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10- 6747-1). [ISSN 2194-5357; SCOPUS, Springer, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, Differential and integral equations for the 2-iterated Bernoulli, 2-iterated Euler and Bernoulli-Euler polynomials, Georgian Mathematical Journal, (2018). ( [ISSN 1572-9176; SCI-E, De Gruyter, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.500]
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Subuhi Khan, Mumtaz Riyasat and Shahid A. Wani, On some classes of differential equations and associated integral equations for the Laguerre-Appell polynomials, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, (2017). ( [ISSN 1869-6090; De Gruyter, ESCI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, Lie algebra representations and 1-parameter 2D-Hermite polynomials, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 28(4) (2017), 315-327. [ISSN: 1065-2469; SCI-E, Taylor & Francis, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.812]
- Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, On a hybrid family related to Sheffer sequences. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nano Technology for Instrumentation & Measurement Workshop), (Editor, ShabanaUrooj), Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, India. (2017), 424-426.[ISBN: 978-93-86724-18-2; Refereed]
- Mumtaz Riyasat, Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, q-Difference equations for the composite 2D q-Appell polynomials and their applications, Cogent Mathematics, 4:1376972 (2017), 1-23. [ISSN 2331-1835; E-SCI, Taylor & Francis, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Shahid Ahmad Wani, A note on differential and integral equations for the Laguerre-Hermite polynomials. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference, Nano Technology for Instrumentation & Measurement Workshop, (Editor, Shabana Urooj), Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, India. (2017), 439-441. [ISBN: 978-93-86724-18-2; Refereed]
- Subuhi Khan, Nusrat Raza and Mahvish Ali, Finding mixed families of special polynomials associated with Appell sequences, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 447 (2017), 398-418. [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.188]
- Serkan Araci, Mumtaz Riyasat, Shahid Ahmad Wani and Subuhi Khan, Differential and integral equations for the 3-variable Hermite-Frobenius-Euler and Frobenius-Genocchi polynomials. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 11(5) (2017), 1335-1346 ( [ISSN 1935-0090; SCI-E, Natural Science Publishing, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal] ISSN 2325-0399;
- Subuhi Khan, Mumtaz Riyasat and Ghazala Yasmin, Finding symmetry identities for the 2-variable Apostol type polynomials. Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 10(2) (2017), 65–81. [ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, Project Euclid & De Gruyter, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, Certain results concerning operators on a Lie algebra and double index sequences. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 24(4) (2017), 535-544. [ISSN 1072-947X; SCI-E, De Gruyter, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.551]
- Subuhi Khan and Tabinda Nahid, Differential equations for the Appell-type ChangheeBernoulli numbers, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nano Technology for Instrumentation & Measurement Workshop, (Editor, Shabana Urooj), Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, India. (2017), 420-423. [ISBN: 978-93-86724-18-2, Refereed]
- Subuhi Khan, Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah and Ghazala Yasmin, Some properties of Hermite Based Appell matrix polynomials. Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 10(2) (2017), 121- 131.[ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, De Gruyter, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan, Ghazala Yasmin and Naeem Ahmad, A note on truncated exponential based Appell polynomials. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 40 (2017), 373-388. ( [ISSN 0126-6705; SCI-E, Springer; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.720]
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, Differential and integral equations for the 2-iterated Appell polynomials. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 306 (2016), 116-132. [ISSN 0377-0427; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impat Factor: 2.037]
- Subuhi Khan and Rehana Khan, Modified relativistic Laguerre polynomials, monomiality and Lie algebraic methods, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 23(3) (2016), 381-386. [ISSN 1572-9176; SCI-E, De Gruyter; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.290]
- Nusrat Raza, Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, Properties of certain new special polynomials associated with Sheffer sequences, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 9(1) (2016), 245-270. [ISSN 1512-0139; E-SCI, Project Euclid Publishers; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, A determinantal approach to Hermite-Sheffer polynomials, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, IC3T 2015, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer 380(2), (2016), 525-534. (doi10.1007/978-81-322-2523-2) [ISBN 2194-5357; SCOPUS, Springer; Refereed and Indexed]
- Ghazala Yasmin, Subuhi Khan and Naeem Ahmad, Operational methods and truncated exponential based Mittag-Leffler polynomials. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 13 (2016), 1555-1569. [ISSN: 1660-5446; SCI-E, Springer; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.868]
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Subuhi Khan and Mahvish Ali, On new families related to Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, IC3T 2015, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer 381(3), (2015), 547-555. [ISBN 978-81-322-2525-3; Springer; SCOPUS, Refereed]
- Subuhi Khan, Ghazala Yasmin and Mumtaz Riyasat, Certain results for the 2-variable Apostol type and related polynomials. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 69 (2015), 1367–1382. [ISSN 0898-1221; SCI, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 3.370]
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, A determinantal approach to Sheffer-Appell polynomials via monomiality principle. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 421 (2015), 806-829. [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.220]
- Ayman Shehata and Subuhi Khan, On Bessel-Maitland matrix function, MATHEMATICA, Tome 57(80) No. (1-2) (2015), 90-103. [ISSN (print):1222-9016; Cluj; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Mumtaz Riyasat, Determinantal approach to certain mixed special polynomials related to Gould-Hopper polynomials. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 251(2015), 599-694. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 3.472]
- Rehana Khan and Subuhi Khan, Operational calculus associated with certain families of generating functions. Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 30 (2015), No. 4, 429–438. [ISSN 1225-1763; E-SCI, SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- Subuhi Khan and Ahmad Ali Al-Gonah, Multi-variable Hermite matrix polynomials: Properties and applications, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412(2014), 222-235. [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.138]
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza, Hermite-Laguerre matrix polynomials and generating relations, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 73 (2) (2014), 137-164. [ISSN 0034-4877; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.604]
- Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah and Subuhi Khan, New classes of Hermite-Tricomi functions and generating relations, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 21 (1) (2014), 11-24. [ISSN 1572-9176; SCI-E, De Gruyter; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.290]
- Subuhi Khan and Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah, Certain results for the Laguerre-Gould Hopper polynomials. Applications and Applied Mathematics Vol. 9, Issue 2 (December 2014), 449 – 466. [ISSN 1932-9466; E-SCI, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan, Ghazala Yasmin and Naeem Ahmad, On a new family related to truncated exponential and Sheffer polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 418 (2014) 921–937 [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.138]
- Subuhi Khan and Mustafa Walid Al-Saad, Euler type integrals and integrals in terms of extended Beta function, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 686324, 12 pages. [ISSN 2314-4629; E-SCI, Hindawi; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah, Euler type integrals associated with certain class of r-variable polynomials, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 38(2014) 243–258. [ISSN 0129-2021; Springer; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Ghazala Yasmin and Subuhi Khan, Hermite matrix based polynomials of two variables and Lie algebraic techniques, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, (2014) 38: 603–618. [ISSN 0129-2021; Springer; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2013
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza; 2-Iterated Appell polynomials and related numbers, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (2013) 9469–9483. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.300]
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza; General-Appell polynomials within the context of monomiality principle, International Journal of Analysis, Vol. 2013, Article ID 328032, 11 pages, 2013. [ISSN 2314-498X; ESCI, Hindawi; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- Subuhi Khan and Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah, Operational methods and Laguerre–Gould Hopper polynomials, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (5), (2012), 9930- 9942. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.300]
- Subuhi Khan, Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah and Ghazala Yasmin, Generalized and mixed type Gegenbauer polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 390 (2012), 197-207. [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.138]
- Subuhi Khan and Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah, Summation formulae for the Legendre polynomials, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, LXXXI (1),(2012), 127- 139.[ISSN 0862-9544; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza; Monomiality Principle, Operational methods and family of Laguerre-Sheffer polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 387 (2012), 90-102. [ISSN 0022-247X; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.138]
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza; Families of Legendre-Sheffer polynomials, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55(2012), 969-982. [ISSN 0895-7177; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.420]
- M.A. Khan, Subuhi Khan and Rehana Khan; A study of fractional integral operators due to Saigo and Maeda, The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics, 34(1) (2012), 141-148. [ISSN: 0970-5120; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2011
- Subuhi Khan and M.W. Al-Saad; Summation formulae for Gould-Hopper generalized Hermite polynomials, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 61(2011), 1536-1541. [ISSN 0898-1221; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.860]
- M.A. Khan, Subuhi Khan and Rehana Khan; Application of fractional calculus to obtain generating functions, The Mathematics Student, 80 (1-4) (2011), 157-163. [ISSN 0025-5742; IMS; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan, M.A. Khan and Rehana Khan; Generating relations involving 4-variable modified Hermite polynomials, The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics, 33(2) (2011), 455-468.[ISSN: 0970-5120; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Research Paper Publications 2010
- M.A. Khan, Subuhi Khan and Rehana Khan; Modified Hermite polynomials of several variables, The Mathematics Student, 80 (1-4) (2010), 91-97. [ISSN 0025-5742; IMS; Refereed & Indexed Journal]
- Subuhi Khan, Nader Ali Makboul Hassan and Ghazala Yasmin, Summation formulae for multi-variable Gegenbauer polynomials, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Special Functions and their Applications, Gwalior, (M.P.), India (Editor, A.K. Agarwal), Vol. 9, (2010), 107-119. [Refereed].
- Subuhi Khan, M.W. Al-Saad and Ghazala Yasmin; Some properties of Hermite-based Sheffer polynomials, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (5), (2010), 2169- 2183. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.300]
- Subuhi Khan and Nusrat Raza; 2-Variable generalized Hermite matrix polynomials and Lie algebra representation, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 66(2) (2010), 159-174. [ISSN 0034-4877; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 0.604]
- Subuhi Khan and Nader Ali Makboul Hassan; 2-Variable Laguerre matrix polynomials and Lie-algebraic techniques, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (2010), 235204 (21pp). [ISSN 1751-8121; SCI, IOP Science; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.857]
- Subuhi Khan, M.W. Al-Saad and Rehana Khan; Laguerre-based Appell polynomials: properties and applications, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52 (2010), 247- 259. [ISSN 0895-7177; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 1.420]
- Subuhi Khan, Ghazala Yasmin and Nader Ali Makboul Hassan; Some results involving Hermite-base polynomials and functions using operational methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215(11) (2010), 3769-3776. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.300]
- Subuhi Khan, Ghazala Yasmin and Nader Ali Makboul Hassan; Some results involving Hermite-base polynomials and functions using operational methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215(11) (2010), 3769-3776. [ISSN 0096-3003; SCI, Elsevier; SCOPUS, Refereed & Indexed Journal; Impact Factor: 2.300]